Mariel of Redwall [Redwall 4] by Brian Jacques

Mariel of Redwall [Redwall 4] by Brian Jacques

Author:Brian Jacques
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Tags: Animals, Pirates, Guinea Pigs, Juvenile Fiction, Hamsters, Fantasy & Magic, Fiction, Etc, Mice
ISBN: 9781439515983
Publisher: Paw Prints
Published: 2008-08-11T00:00:00+00:00

Stonehead was aptly named. He used his massive head like a battering ram, thudding and butting with the speed of a striking snake as he shouted aloud at the terrified Flitchaye tribe:

"Stand and fight, you forest weeds! Why, if I couldn't slay a dozen of you before breakfast I'd die of shame! I can drink a river dry and eat an orchard bare! I'm Stonehead McGurney, bravest of the brave!"

Mariel and her companions got the feeling they would offend the big barn owl by joining in the fight, so they stood to one side, watching as he enjoyed him-200

self to the full. The Flitchaye who were not laid out flat took to their holes and closed the lids. As Mariel retrieved her Gullwhacker and Dandin picked up the sword, Tarquin tuned his harolina and nudged Durry.

"I don't think I'd like to meet that chap when he's cross, do you?"

Durry kicked Snidjer on the bottom as he tried to rise. "Dearie me, he do 'ave a right ol' temper an' no mistake."

Six Flitchaye were backing off toward the woods. Stonehead spotted them and yelled, "Get back here! Down your pits and shut the lids! Run away and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth! You know I never lie! We McGurneys aren't the wisest owls anywhere, but by thunder we're the bravest!" He turned to the four travelers aggressively. "So you're Redwall creatures, eh! Should never let yourselves get caught by this lot! Flitchaye! Hah! I'll show you what they are!

Come here, you!"

Snidjer came, but not quickly enough. Stonehead grabbed him in one powerful talon and ripped away the barkcloth mask and trailing weeds.

"There's a Flitchaye for you! Skinny little weasels dressed up, that's all they are! Here, do you want me to butt him right over the top of that hollow oak? I can do it easily, you know!"

Dandin interceded on Snidjer's behalf. "I think he's had enough, sir. Thank you for rescuing us. I am Dandin of Redwall —these are my friends, Tarquin, Mariel and Durry."

The owl shook their paws with his talons until they ached, then he kicked open the lid of a Flitchaye hole and beckoned to Snidjer.

"In there, you, and look sharp about it!"

Snidjer obeyed with alacrity. Stonehead took a huge dead treelimb in his claws and tossed it on top of the lid, locking Snidjer inside.

"There, that's the way to treat them! Don't take any


nonsense! You don't think I was too easy on them, do you? Sure you don't want me to throw a few over the treetops?"

"No no, old chap. You did splendidly. Do you live alone in these woods?"

Stonehead blinked his eyes at Tarquin and snorted. "Alone? I'll say not! We McGurneys have always lived here! Got the wife, Thunderbeak, and four little ones-two sons and two daughters! They're only chicks, but you should see them fight! Come home with me for supper, meet my family!"

The savage golden eyes glared at them. They did not



If at all possible, Stonehead's wife Thunderbeak was even fiercer than her belligerent husband.


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